The branding power of personalized USB drives


Few marketing products are as ‘sticky’ as the unassuming USB drive. It can very quickly go from an empty vessel to an item its owner never leaves for the office without.

Quality, reliable personalized USB drives, like those offered by Print USB, will ensure your brand is noticed time and time again, long after business cards have been misplaced and bulky print outs have been thrown away.

USB orders from Print USB start at just 100 units. We offer an array of colors, sizes and shapes, so you’re guaranteed to find something that suits your brand.

Personalized USB drives

With marketing collateral such as pens, calendars and mugs viewed increasingly as quaint, isn’t it time your modernized your business’ image, starting with affordable, usable USB drives?

If you have any questions regarding our product catalog, contact a member of the team at 877.442.7465.

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  • Greg Sachs