Promote your business with branded USB drive mini products


While mugs, pens and calendars may be the old go-to giveaways, are you missing a trick with your more tech-savvy clientele?

As company culture evolves, so too do the tools they use day to day. That’s why branded USB drive mini products are guaranteed to get your business’ name in front of the right people time and time again.


USB drive mini: practical and durable

Branded USB drives aren’t a ‘use once then throw away’ item. In all likelihood, your clientele will use them daily, for months if not years to come. After all, it’s where they’ll store files, pictures, music and presentations.

Print USB offers USBs that can be tailored to your business’ specific needs. They boast both durability and excellent return on investment.

Call a member of the Print USB team today at 877-442-7465 or request a quote online.

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  • Greg Sachs